-newzie: tatsunoko v capcom-
with the current death of my 360, i managed to get this game. it's a lot of fun, especially being able to finally use tekkaman blade XD
this looks to be another one of those party games for the local gang, which ain't bad @ all.

- :( -
i swear....it seems like it never fails with this retarded console. i've not even had it back for a month yet & i get this error message. alas, i've not the tools needed to crack my failure of a console open to fix, so next sometime next week i'll send this away for possible salvaging.......if any can come of it that is.
ah well, back to my wii-wii. least i know this won't die on me.....

-metroid: the manga complete-
i finally stumbled on the complete manga, which is damned good at that. i get the feeling some if not many of the story depicted here will be used for the upcoming "metroid: other m" chapter of samus' story. i won't go into detail here, but i will say it's the closest thing you'll get to learning more of samus' origin up to where she encounters mother brain for the second time (leads up to the infiltration of tourian against mb in metroid: zero mission).
you can find this online if you search hard enough :)
yet another one to add to my collection of growing "pre-painted resin kits" from a certain company. i have two small snags about this particular resin, most notably a broken hair strand. in either case, i like her pose, the ears, her bust and those shoes ^^
"elvens", you gotta love them.
-x360 + bayonetta = pure win-
i really dunno what to say on this one.....sure i've more games on my 360 than i've had about a year ago, but this one is nothing but crack, cocaine, exctacy, crystal meth, weed, boat, nail polish etc. all rolled into one.
it's been a long time since i've a title that made me geek with adrenaline & excitement from just a few hours of gameplay....and repeating previously beaten levels at that.
SEGA has made a gem, and like others, this one will be played for months on end XD

-b-day goodies: bayonetta-
this was given to me by a good friend from college. he knows i've a kraze when it comes to ms. bayonetta, and while "abstract" in porportions, i think it's a great gift :D
many thanks to ya theo.........which leads me onto my next set of goods